The Universe

Radek Little

The end of the world? Ask questions as a child: not when, but where.

With this disturbing motto, radek Malého’s sixth collection of poems brings poems, through which the author returns to the basic line of his work and at the same time insults a great deal of the way forward. Fifty texts selected from the poet’s work over the last eight years are ingeniously composedfrom intimate space to audacable “cosmic songs” and controversies with God once again to the heart of the author’s subject. Tv news scenes: crazy shooters, Václav Havel’s funeral, election campaigns… all this in the crooked mirror of a cynical smirk cursed into formally virtuoso verses, which in their lightness deceive the body. The simple desire to understand the meaning of Everything, the desire to find Peace, is redeemed by many unanswered questions.

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