James Grajchman
Michal Jároš
Monografia Jakub Grajchman – national-emancipable effort in the context of life and creation of slovak nationovca second half of the 19th century. 100-year-old skúma personable slovak poet and playwright of literary romanticism Jakub Grajchman (1822–1897). The research in the context of life and creation zameriava nielen on the national-emancipable pôsobenie, but the bring of a more complex way even on the monk’s pre-conquered area of his life (origin, Štúdiá, emsobnanie and pôsobenia in the cirque). It draws attention to the peak of Grajchman’s reborn snails – the literary workshop is followed by a prenikanie into the povedomia of the commonality. The approaching poznanie of life and the diele of Jakub Grajchman has the enable to take new pohľady to this personal place of national deeds.
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