
David Drábek

In the flood of stinging satires and bitterly lyrical confessions regularly supplied by David Drábek (b. 1970) as both a playwright and as a director, it is sometimes forgotten that the author is an equally successful creator for children and young people. His children’s games can be compared to his work for adults, and at the same time they have such a “functional radio”that attract an audience regardless of age. After the success of the set of Drábka dramas In order for the Czechs to tremble… (2011) four of his plays for younger readers are now released – Four Leaf (2004), Snow White – The New Generation (2006), Planet of the Apes or Siblings Kaplan among Furry (2006) and Toys (2010). As the titles reveal, these are continuations or reinterpretations of well-known stories, which David Drábek retelling with a distinctive imagination and a sense of ethical mission.

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